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Fall precautions Teaching 2311

SN educated patient and caregiver on the importance of always using assistive device with ambulation and transfers to avoid falls or injuries. Nurse instructed patient and caregiver on the importance of home safety such as proper lighting, and to keep walkways free of debris and clutter. Patient was instructed to contact PCP or home health agency if they fall or if current health status declines. Patient was instructed to not walk unassisted when not feeling steady . Patient verbalized understanding

Fall precautions Teaching 1287

Skilled nurse instructed patient on safety measures to avoid injuries and falls such as keeping adequate lighting during the day and night and was educated on proper use of assistive device to prevent falls.

Fall precautions Teaching 2314

Patient instructed on fall safety precautions to include: locking w/c before transfers, use assistive device for mobility at all times, make sure walkways are free of clutter, & well lit, do not walk around barefoot or in socks, avoid using rugs, use non slip rug in bath tub & use shower chair for bathing.

Fall precautions Teaching 599

Patient was instructed on measures to prevent falls at home during daily activities store household items on lower shelves so there is no need to climb or reach high. Or use a reaching device that you can buy at a medical supply store. To climb for something, use a step stool with handrails.

Fall precautions Teaching 603

Patient was instructed on strategies that can significantly help decrease the risk of a fall such as: Good lighting throughout the home, especially in stairwells and hallways, Non-slip floors and rugs, Hand rails on stairs, next to the toilet and in the shower and bathtub.

Fall precautions Teaching 613

Patient was instructed on list of measures to prevent falls at home: If feel dizzy and lose the vision checked regularly. With poor vision condition patient may lose important cues that help to avoid objects and keep the balance.

Fall precautions Teaching 614

Patient was instructed on measures to prevent falls at home: Keep a cordless phone and a flash light with new batteries by the bed. Walk on the grass when the sidewalks are wet or slippery.

Fall precautions Teaching 619

Patient was instructed on measures to prevent falls at home such as removing things like thresholds, throw rugs, and clutter. Repairing loose carpet or raised areas in the floor, moving furniture or electrical cords out of the walking paths.

Fall precautions Teaching 620

Patient was instructed on measures to prevent falls at home during daily activities. Do not try to carry too many things at the same time. Have a place near the door where it is possible to place packages and groceries while you close the door and get ready to put things away.

Fall precautions Teaching 810

Patient was instructed on list of measures to prevent falls at home: If use a cane put rubber tips on it. Keep the house well lit especially stairways, porches and outside walkways. Use night lights in areas such as hallways and bathroom.